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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science has given me...

From the November 1937 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science has given me so much for which to be grateful that I feel impelled to write this testimony. My privileges have been great, for I have known this truth since infancy, and had eighteen years in the Christian Science Sunday School. Many healings in Christian Science have been experienced by five generations of our family—my great grandmother, grandmother, parents, my brother and myself, and my brother's children.

When I was a young girl, I became a member of a branch church and The Mother Church; and at college I had the joy of being active in a Christian Science Organization. Later I had the great blessing of class instruction. During these years I have had ample opportunity to prove for myself, as well as to witness, the efficacy of Christian Science. I have never tasted medicine, and any physical discomfort has been met promptly through Christian Science. Healings in our home include those of various so-called children's diseases; also infected eye, colds, headache, fatigue, and other discords too many to enumerate. I have no outstanding case of physical healing to relate, of my own experience, but this in itself I consider cause for gratitude, for it is proof of the excellent health I have enjoyed throughout the years, and the protection which Christian Science has afforded me. For several seasons I was engaged in work which made it imperative that I be at my post without fail; and this, Christian Science enabled me to do. At one time, during a rehearsal period, my voice seemed to leave me entirely; but with the help of a consecrated practitioner, it became normal before the time for the performance.

Through the application of Christian Science, I have been healed of overwhelming grief, business problems have been rightly adjusted, lost articles found, financial needs met, employment manifested. I have learned that there is always a way out of every difficulty; and I have realized the truth of our Leader's inspired words (The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, pp. 149, 150), "Thou canst be brought into no condition, be it ever so severe, where Love has not been before thee and where its tender lesson is not awaiting thee."

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