I desire to make public acknowledgment of a healing which occurred some eighteen years ago.
One Sunday evening my husband and I, with some relatives, were driving home from a near-by town, when the sudden application of the emergency brake caused the car to swerve into a ditch, hurling the occupants out on the roadside. I was thrown at least twelve feet and fell heavily on my left shoulder, breaking the collar bone and badly crushing the shoulder. I was taken home by a friend, and a neighbor, who was a Christian Scientist, was asked to work for me. When my husband reached home later he insisted on calling a doctor. The physician who came said that setting the collar bone was all he could do, and that he would leave the rest to nature. Then I said I should prefer to have nature set the bone as well. He told me that in order to do so I should have to lie flat on my back for at least six weeks. The doctor left without touching my shoulder.
I had been studying Christian Science for only a short time and felt that this was an opportunity to prove what God could do. The first night the pain was severe; after that I was comparatively comfortable. In five days I was able to be downstairs for meals.