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From the December 1965 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Nothing is more important to the world than the development of the power of Christ in human thought. For Christ is God's idea, revealing the kingdom of heaven, the reign of righteousness, in man. Individual sonship with God is found in Christ, Truth, in which man is God's image.

Prophesying the coming of the Messiah and the development of the power of Christ to humanity, Isaiah declared (9:6, 7): "Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder.... Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end." With penetrating vision, Isaiah discerned the Messiah not only as a human messenger but as the eternally present Christ, available for the salvation of all men.

Christ is inseparable from God, is His pure reflection. The spirit of Truth makes one realize the inevitability of the full revelation of that which is divinely present, indestructibly real. Since the beginning of time, the manifestation of the Christ-power has been increasing, breaking down the bonds of the material sense of life, weakening the grasp of sin and mortality, subduing the animal nature, and developing Christliness to human thought. Patriarchs and prophets helped the spread of Christliness by the purity of their own lives and by their faithful and oftentimes stern instructions to the people of their day.

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