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Testimonies of Healing

At one time over a period of two years, anxiety,...

From the November 1991 issue of The Christian Science Journal

At one time over a period of two years, anxiety, resentment, a sense of being unloved and unable to love, remorse, and depression regularly troubled me. Yet I did little to overcome them. Although I had studied Christian Science for years, I attempted only sporadically and perfunctorily to heal these negative thoughts and the incidents that gave rose to them.

I wasn't certain that Christian Science could help me and thought seriously of abandoning the study of it altogether and withdrawing from church membership. But I didn't know where to go. As Peter answered when Christ Jesus asked the disciples, "Will ye also go away?" all I could say was, "Lord, to whom shall [I] go? thou hast the words of eternal life" (John).

One day when I'd reached an especially low point, I humbly turned to God with all my heart and asked Him to show me His way and to help me feel loved and able to love again. The answer to this prayer came a few days later when I was elected to a position in my branch Church of Christ, Scientist. As I plunged eagerly into the prayer and study of Christian Science required to do this work well, I found the negative thoughts disappearing and my spiritual understanding deepening.

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