The denial of the human body, or of anything that makes for a normal, healthy human experience, is not in accord with Christian Science practice. That which is needed at this stage of experience should fulfill its purpose. If it doesn't—because of accident, sickness, or sin—God's spiritual, healing law can be appealed to to correct the mental cause behind the difficulty and so heal it.
Even though the human body appears to be destructible, spiritual healing, in Christian Science, proves that there is a resuscitating, spiritual law that can be appealed to. This healing law of God can restore the body to a normal state of health so that it functions as it should.
In Science and Health Mrs. Eddy writes, "The patient sufferer tries to be satisfied when he sees his would-be healers busy, and his faith in their efforts is somewhat helpful to them and to himself; but in Science one must understand the resuscitating law of Life."1