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What are you looking for in a church?

From the November 1991 issue of The Christian Science Journal

What are we looking for when we're choosing a church to visit or join? Fellowship could be one thing. As wonderful as Christian fellowship is, though, we probably have even more in mind. What we really may be looking for is a higher sense of existence, free of the uncertainties and disappointments of mortal life.

If we do desire a more spiritual sense of existence, we are longing to express such Godlike qualities as humility, unselfishness, purity, peace, joy, and love in all aspects of our lives. We want these qualities to enter our thought and govern us. As they do so, our natures are transformed, and this brings sure signs that man actually is the image of God—as the Bible so clearly says. At the same time, we want all that is in opposition to these spiritual qualities to be progressively ruled out of our experiences.

The Church of Christ, Scientist, founded by Mary Baker Eddy, offers such a church experience. The many branches of this Church all base their healing activities upon a spiritual and demonstrable understanding of the Bible. The theology of Christian Science, exemplified in the branch Churches of Christ, Scientist, offers powerful proofs that we are indeed finding, through prayer and experience, the real nature of God, man, and the universe.

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