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Special Podcasts from The Christian Science Journal

Welcome to the audio archive of special podcasts from The Christian Science Journal. Here you will find audio programs designed to inform and uplift your practice of Christian Science. From important church news to discussions of the key spiritual truths of Christian Science, these special podcasts give the opportunity to hear about church and Christian Science.

Audio Programs

Our duty to God, to our Leader, and to mankind

The Board shares an update of plans for Annual Meeting, discusses the forward progress of Church during the current global concern about contagion, and also explores how the theme of Annual Meeting—Our duty to God, to our Leader, and to mankind—is proving relevant and helpful in these times. 

". . . that we may be able . . ." (II Cor 1:4)

The Board discusses the Annual Meeting theme and how each of us is God-enabled to feel, live, and share the Christ—spirit - to lift and heal humanity. 

Primary class instruction: A foundation for spiritual progress and healing

Do you want to know God better? Do you want to learn to heal through spiritual laws? Do you want to be a force for good in the world? Primary class instruction in Christian Science may be the next step for you. Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, provided a course for earnest students to gain a clear understanding of the teachings and practice of Christian Science.

