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A spiritual response to the euro financial crisis

From The Christian Science Journal - December 30, 2013

Originally written in German, this article first appeared on for the German, French, Portuguese, and Spanish editions of The Herald of Christian Science.

When the parliamentary elections in Italy at the beginning of 2013 resulted in no clear political leadership, there were predictions that the financial crisis would return with force and that the euro might quickly collapse. Since the already agreed upon euro bailout fund was not large enough to deal with such a crisis, there was great concern in Germany and other donor countries.

Before entering the Christian Science practice full time, I was an industrial engineer, and, as such, I often encountered what looked like unsolvable problems. Media reports about the euro financial crisis have been a wake-up call to think about what this means for me, for the people in the European Union, and for stability in the whole world. Specifically, how can I, as a Christian Scientist, respond to this situation?

During Primary class instruction, Christian Scientists learn how Christian Science treatment enables them to understand God’s all-power and how this knowledge reveals solutions even to what seem to be intractable problems. In this way, difficulties of any kind can turn out to be an opportunity for blessings.

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