All around us, we hear slogans like: Do something . . . Be engaged . . . Change the world . . . Dare to Care. These slogans, adopted by various people and organizations, are an effort to stir up zeal for their movement. If you're passionate about being actively helpful, you might be inclined to commit yourself to some form of activism. I was.
Several years back, the Christian Science Sentinel started a series titled “Anyone Can Be a Healer.” Where did I sign up? I loved that idea. I was serious about this healing stuff and I definitely wanted in.
Like any zealous activist, I started to plan. I decided to move to Tacoma, Washington. Why? It seemed like a place that needed a lot of help. So many people were homeless, in gangs, using drugs, disabled, and diseased, and I was going to heal them. I was so enthusiastic. I told everyone that I'm going into “the practice" (jargon for “I am going to be a Christian Science practitioner"). I rented an office, and the building manager posted a sign outside saying, “Christian Science Practitioner.” Life was good—I mean, I got a sign! What could be better?