I live in the beautiful Yorkshire Dales in northern England, where sheep roam in the high pasture most of the year. I take in this scene almost every day as I walk my dogs along the steep winding lanes, and I use this quiet time to pray and listen to my Father-Mother God.
During my walks I tend to pray about many things, but recently the sheep reminded me of the powerful parable Jesus gave about the shepherd who finds his lost sheep (see Luke, chap. 15). At various points in our lives we may all feel like we are lost sheep, but the tender love of our Father-Mother God is always there to bring us gently back into the fold of divine Love.
Jesus often used parables that described simple, humble situations, which people from all walks of life could understand, take to heart, and apply to their own lives. Even though Jesus spoke his parables 2,000 years ago, they still resonate and teach lessons today. They can support us, strengthen our relationship with God, and help us find spiritual healing. Over the years, I’ve discovered that there always seems to be a parable applicable to whatever situation we are going through.