A cartoon I’ve loved and referred to for over 20 years depicts a humorous approach to problem-solving. Its message was helpful to me in a recent healing I experienced.
The cartoon shows three mice staring at three possible entrances to a maze—but only one of the entrances will lead them on the correct path. The mice look as if they’re not sure which entrance to take. Then the mice are shown huddling together, coming up with a plan. Finally, the cartoon shows the three mice forming a kind of pyramid, with the mice standing on top of each other’s shoulders. The top mouse, who is now high enough to see the entire maze (rather than just the three entrances), holds a pencil and pad to draw out the maze and document the correct entrance to take so that all three mice can navigate the maze successfully.
While this cartoon could be interpreted in many ways, to me it depicts a kind of “mountaintop” approach to solving problems, which facilitates seeing the “higher view.” I think this metaphor is foundational to experiencing healing as described in the teachings of Christian Science.