Sometime ago, I went through a trying breakup with my fiancé. While I was feeling sad and troubled, other relationships in my life were in turmoil, too. It seemed there was no one I could turn to for comfort. Then my son moved out after an argument, and I was pretty much left alone. Empty nest, hurting heart, rejection! All of this was tempting me to be cynical.
After several months, I developed a pain in my abdomen. Doubled over and crying, I called a Christian Science practitioner for metaphysical treatment. He was happy to help. The practitioner prayed through the night with me, reading hymns from the Christian Science Hymnal and sharing helpful psalms. With the daylight, the pain subsided, and I was free. I felt God’s love wash over me.
The same day the pain faded, I passed blood. I was tempted to speculate that the cause might be kidney stones, but the practitioner reminded me that as a spiritual idea created by a perfect God, I could have no conditions outside of perfection. I felt at peace, knowing that I was complete and whole, that nothing could be added to me or taken away from me.