I remember very clearly my mother’s attitude about the Berlin Wall: “Whatever is built out of mistaken opinions and lies can only be torn down by correcting these false views rigorously, even if it takes decades.” With many crossings over the border into the eastern sector of Berlin, I was confronted with the necessity and, at the same time, the opportunity to correct false views—on both sides of the border.
Once I drove with a good friend to East Berlin, where he was to give a talk on Christian Science to many listeners. Because of circumstances, it was necessary to have this in a private home. At the border they found a Herold der Christlichen Wissenschaft (the German Herald) in his car, and made us wait a long time. Different thoughts came to me, and I am sure to him also: What if they found out what we were going to be doing? What if they discovered that my friend was officially listed as a Christian Science practitioner and teacher in the German Herald?
Never again did I cross the German-German border without being aware of the all-presence of divine Love.