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Being a shepherd

From The Christian Science Journal - December 8, 2015

Originally written for youth, in German, this first appeared in the December 2015 Portuguese, Spanish, French, and German editions of The Herald of Christian Science.

Everybody’s asleep and it is a silent night. Indeed, it is a holy night! The shepherds are watching over their flock. Suddenly, there is an angel that tells them that a child has been born, not far from where they are, in a town called Bethlehem. He is the promised Savior. And suddenly there is a host of angels bringing to the shepherds this wonderful message: “Glory be to God in the Heavens! For he brings peace to the world and showers the people with love” (Luke 2:14, Hoffnung für alle [Hope for all Bible] © 1983, 1996, 2002 by Biblica Inc.TM. Used with permission of the publisher Fontis–Brunnen Basel).

The Bible tells us that the shepherds paid attention to the message—and immediately set out for Bethlehem. And indeed, when they arrived there, they found a stable, with Mary, Joseph, and the baby Jesus. The shepherds spread the good news to everyone about the wonderful things that the angel had told them about the child, and they also praised and glorified God for this wonderful event.

You are the shepherds of today and tomorrow!

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