In our country, at least, the news disseminated by print and broadcast media often implies that the near future will be hard, with shortages of basic supplies and essential resources such as water, energy, and fuel for cars and planes. We need to be alert to pray about this wave of fear and doubt, to understand spiritually the truth that corrects the problems facing us.
We can start by turning our thought to God, the only power, the only and infinite provider. Recognizing that God is All-in-all, that God is Spirit, is the first step to demonstrating the allness of good every day. As the spiritual and perfect idea of God, created in His image and likeness, each one of us expresses the essence of being, the immutable spiritual nature, which is wholly good and is inherently manifested in us. As God’s image, we can see everywhere only what God sees—the absolute perfection of everything and everyone.
It is possible, wherever we live, to understand that life, as the full expression of divine Life, can include no lack. The strength of this life cannot diminish or weaken.