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Testimonies of Healing

Healed of acute circulatory shock

From The Christian Science Journal - May 19, 2016

Originally written in German, this first appeared in the May 2016 Portuguese, Spanish, French, and German editions of The Herald of Christian Science. 

I have always enjoyed traveling to get to know other countries and regions. What often fascinates people traveling are the wonders of nature and the beautiful landscapes, but what has always been most important to me are the connections and interactions with others. So I usually return from my trips refreshed by new experiences and enriched by new contacts.

I’ve always been especially touched by the care others express and their readiness to help. The love shown to me always feels completely natural, reminding me that gentleness and goodness are “the fruit of the Spirit” (Galatians 5:22). They are manifestations of God in human experience, whereby we feel His presence. 

Trust in God’s constant spiritual protection and the consciousness of His guidance comfort me and liberate me. 

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