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Testimonies of Healing

Healed of multiple ailments

From The Christian Science Journal - March 3, 2016

Originally written in French, this first appeared in the March 2016 Portuguese, Spanish, French, and German editions of The Herald of Christian Science.

No matter how stubborn an ailment seems to be, we can overcome any trial and win the victory when we rely on prayer based on the scientific, spiritual truth of being and hold firmly to Truth.

For two years I had suffered from malaria, and I also coughed a lot and was feeling generally unwell. When it came to eating, I was unable to swallow and could drink only fruit juice and eat one piece of bread at a time. I was praying, but as the disease appeared to linger and persist, I called a Christian Science practitioner for help, asking him to support me through prayer. 

I had decided not to quit my position as hymn-singing leader in my branch Church of Christ, Scientist. And as we were getting closer to the Christian Science lecture season in my area, I also decided not to miss a single one of those.

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