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Testimonies of Healing

My legs were completely healed

From The Christian Science Journal - March 17, 2016

Originally written in Spanish, and now adapted for the Journal, this testimony first appeared in the March 2016 Portuguese, Spanish, French, and German editions of The Herald of Christian Science.

We were about to leave home to go to our house in the country. I was putting some bags in the trunk of our car, the door was completely open, and my knees were leaning on the bumper. Suddenly, I felt a very strong hit on my legs, and I was sent backward, against the wall of the parking lot, while the bumper continued to hit my legs. A driver had involuntarily crashed violently into our car with his car.

When the pressure stopped, I shouted with all my strength, “I will never be able to walk again!” My wife was less than three feet away from the car, and she immediately came to help me. While she was holding me so I wouldn’t fall down (as my legs were unable to sustain me), she shouted in my ear: “No! You are all right! God doesn’t know accidents! You’re going to walk as always.” She insisted that in reality nothing had happened to me. And she continued, “God is All-in-all!” 

A few yards away a relative who was with us and knows the book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, came and helped hold me up, reassuring me in my other ear what he was hearing my wife telling me. I hung on to them while they took me to a more open area of the parking lot. 

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