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New Member of The Christian Science Board of Lectureship

From the July 1932 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Rev. Irving C. Tomlinson, C. S. B., of Boston, Massachusetts, was graduated from the Classical Department of Akron University, Akron, Ohio, holding the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts. Later he was graduated from the Theological Department of Tufts College at Boston, in the vicinity of which he served for ten years as a pastor.

Mr. Tomlinson has rendered important and varied service in the Christian Science movement. He joined The Mother Church in 1897; and in 1898 he attended the last class taught by Mary Baker Eddy, and in the same year he was appointed to The Christian Science Board of Lectureship, on which he served for some years.

In 1899 Mrs. Eddy called him to Concord, New Hampshire, to be First Reader of the Christian Science church there. Mr. Tomlinson is one of the three who constituted the first Christian Science Publication Committee; and from 1898 to 1927, except for periods when otherwise engaged, he served as a member of the Bible Lesson Committee, to which Mrs. Eddy appointed him.

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