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A Better Approach to Studying

From the May 1977 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It's not extravagant to assert that a spiritually scientific approach to study, rather than the standard human one, makes an infinite difference to its value and results.

The practice of Christian Science involves turning away from the material senses as unreliable witnesses to reality and acknowledging the present reality of Spirit and its perfect ideas. But, at the same time, growth in Christian Science involves—in addition to prayer and practice—study of the printed word: the Bible and the writings of Mary Baker Eddy. It's not surprising, then, that the question was raised: "How does Mrs. Eddy know that she has read and studied correctly, if one must deny the evidences of the senses? She had to use her eyes to read." It's an interesting point. And Mrs. Eddy had her answer. "Jesus said, 'Having eyes, see ye not?' I read the inspired page through a higher than mortal sense. As matter, the eye cannot see; and as mortal mind, it is a belief that sees. I may read the Scriptures through a belief of eyesight; but I must spiritually understand them to interpret their Science." Miscellaneous Writings, p. 58;

How are we to study more successfully and fruitfully? Christ Jesus proposed a change of method in the disciples' nightlong unproductive fishing—casting their net on the right side. This resulted in a weighty catch. Just so can we net spiritual insights more effectively with a change of method.

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