All about the healing practice of Christian Science: how healing happens, lessons learned, and ideas from Christian Scientists, including those in the public practice.
My practice is like being involved in an army of good.
When we're engaged with something we care deeply about, time loses its mesmeric influence.
This one felt hard to put into words, so sacred is the Golden Rule; so dear its promise—its challenge and right to follow. . .
Restaurant humor was a springboard for deep thought.
How do we respond when we’re praying and leaning on God as best we know how, but still find stormy conditions in our lives?
The angel thoughts that guide us at all times proved especially helpful to this writer when her plane was expected to make a crash landing.
Through my school years, I heard that question quite a bit as classmates learned that I was a Christian Scientist.
Sometimes when we’re praying about a challenge, it can feel like we’ve opened up a “puzzle” that has all kinds of fragmented pieces that we don’t know how to fit together.
Do you have a payment plan?
Our lives are affected by what we think—more than we realize.