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Church News

Read the latest news items from the the Clerk of The Mother Church and departments at The Mother Church.

Editors' Table

Editors' Table

Staff editors at the Sentinel and Journal offer tips and insights on writing for the periodicals and sharing testimonies and articles with a worldwide audience.

Lessons from the Pastor

Lessons from the Pastor

Inspiration and healing gained from studying the Weekly Bible Lesson and from delving into the Bible and Science and Health.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Practice, Practice, Practice

All about the healing practice of Christian Science: how healing happens, lessons learned, and ideas from those in the public practice.

Teachers Talk

Teachers Talk

Thoughts on the study and practice of Christian Science, from those who teach it.

What Sunday School meant to me

What Sunday School meant to me

Sunday School “graduates,” both recent and not-so-recent, share inspiring memories and insights from their participation in this Church Manual-based activity.

