Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.
The hour is imminent. Upon it lie burdens that time will remove.
J. M.
The problem before all research, as it struggles through the dark, foreboding jungle of mortal belief, is Reality. When limited sense is aroused by the strong claims of Christian Science, it says if a certain disease is not real, it expresses a woful ignorance as to what Reality is.
I well remember, when a child, lying in my mother's arms and listening delightedly to the story of Moses; and such a deep impression did it make upon my thought that though only seven or eight, it awakened a longing desire for the knowledge of the God of the Hebrews, a God that would hear and immediately and visibly answer prayer. A few years later, my father read of a certain person in Boston who was teaching that "all is Mind and all disease has a mental origin.
I WOULD like to relate a case of healing from an accident. In order that the circumstances surrounding the case may be better understood, I will say, Sharpsville, Sharon, Wheatland, and West Middlesex, Pa.
One of the great revelations that the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, the Rev. Mary Baker Eddy, has given to the world is that Life is God; that it is spiritual not material, and is neither in nor of the body.
Mr. Chairman and Members of the Present Day Club :— This occurrence to-night is a repetition of Biblical scenes.
Science means true knowing. It is the knowledge of what is,—the fact, the truth.
Written especially for the New York Sunday Journal by Mrs. Eddy, the Founder of the Christian Science faith, in answer to the charges made in the famous Brush will contest in the New York Court.
All the Churches of Christ, Scientist (from this date), are requested to read at the close of services, and before benediction, the "Scientific Statement of Being. " There is no life, truth, intelligence, or substance in matter.