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Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.

It is to be feared that, should the bill introduced in the Kansas Legislature to compel the compounders of proprietary medicine to file a bill of ingredients with the State Board of Health, become a law, it will greatly injure the sale of the medicines. When it is found that there is nothing "strong,"—that is to say, poisonous,—in the list, public demand for the remedies will fall off.


He who seeks for heaven alone to save his soul, May keep the path, but will not reach the goal: While he who walks in love will wander far, Yet God will bring him where the blessed are. You know the story of the Three Wise Men of the East, and how they travelled from far away to offer their gilts at the manger-cradle in Bethlehem.


Rev. Mary Baker G.


From the Boston Herald we extract the following recent pulpit utterances:— "The Rev. Thomas Van Ness preached yesterday morning at the union service in King's Chapel, from the text, 'The earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.


Dear Journal :—Mortal sense is saying to me this evening that my "cup of comfort" is low, and remembering the lines, Is thy cup of comfort failing? Rise, and share it with another, it occurs to me that it may be a demonstration to tell of a journey I have just made. Reversing the order of the senses, I was led to come to Florida for the summer, instead of the winter.


After doing quite an amount of writing one day, the typewriter acting very nicely, all at once I noticed it did not feed straight, making the work look very badly. Believing I understood the mechanism of the machine, I endeavored to remedy the trouble, but with no good results; the paper, which moves around a cylinder in printing, would not move evenly, consequently the work was imperfect and of no use.


Every Christian Scientist, every worker in our Master's vineyard laboring in thought and deed to establish the Cause of Truth, should be alive to the duty which of necessity falls upon him to sustain the Mother Church, as well as the church or society to which he belongs. The Mother Church, as well as every society, whether it meet in home or hall, working to bring out the true brotherhood of man, is sustained by individual effort.


The loving invitation to see the Mother at her home in Concord, was responded to as of one mind, one accord; and we gathered together under the canopy of heaven, broad as Truth and boundless as Love, that covers all God's sons and daughters, as under the shadow of the Almighty. Our Independence Day is typical of the "new birth.


Having been deeply religious from infancy, and having joined the Methodist Church in my young girlhood, accepting justification by faith in the most orthodox way, and three years afterward, sanctification by faith, as taught by John Wesley, it was hard for me to see the higher and better way — the true Christ way in Christian Science. I, like many other earnest Christian people, had a strong prejudice against Christian Science; and having entered mission work before I was twenty years old, and being considered a successful mission worker, seeing great changes wrought in people who turned from sinful lives to better and nobler living, I thought I was certainly walking in the footsteps of Jesus.

New Scientist Church

The West Side Church of Christ, Scientist, occupied its beautiful little chapel at the corner of Eighty-second Street and the Western Boulevard, for the first time last Sunday. The chapel is fitted up in oak.