Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.
The age of miracles is popularly supposed to have passed long ago, yet there are things happening every day which are miraculous in their nature in the sense at least that they can not be explained by any natural law with which we are acquainted. The case of the Pennsylvania man noted some time ago in the dispatches, whose brain was eaten away leaving only the outside membraneous covering, yet who lived and apparently enjoyed all of his senses to the last is paralleled by the case of Scanlan, the actor, whose brain in the opinion of the doctors is all gone, yet who lives and promises to live for some time.
My Dear Fellow students :—I was present at the first meeting of our Alumnae Association representing my class, as best I could, at that time, in some reminiscences. Changes in thought have doubtless come to us all, during these years of our separation.
The Christian Science Church, called "First Church of Christ, Scientist," was organized in this city November 30. The followers of this belief have been holding regular meetings for the past year in the Munson building, and have gained strength in numbers steadily.
Three years ago this month (January, 1897), I made my first bow to a Christian Scientist after a long and fruitless search for Truth in the tangled wilderness of "ists" and "isms" which go to make up this latter-day Christianity. I searched "from Dan to Beersheba," beginning with the Roman Catholic Church, in which I received my early training.
From a child of seven years to my twenty-third year I was the victim of what is called epilepsy. I could not play as other children did, without falling in an epileptic fit, and I noticed that my playmates were afraid to go anywhere with me, and kept aloof; that made me very sensitive, and I remember my school life as quite a sad one on account of my affliction.
I was born in Central New York, My father was the Sunday-school superintendent of the Baptist Sunday school of Ithaca, from before I was born until I became my own master. My brothers and sisters were earnest workers in the church, and members of it.
About four years ago, a student of Christian Science moved to a Canadian town where there were no Scientists, The study of the Bible Lessons was begun at once, although there were but three in the family to attend the service. "Not in the words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and with power.
Christian Science services are held at "Red Men's" Hall, Main street, every Sunday at 10. 30 A.
Without Faith it is impossible to please Him. — Heb.
Editors Journal :—The following letter from the clerk of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Buffalo, N. Y.