Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.
What is a talent? Quoting from good authority, as to the definition of the word, it is used to denote "an ancient denomination of weight, especially of gold, varying widely in value. " So it indicates money, wealth and property in general.
Mount Vernon, N. Y.
Dear Journal :— I have already sent you a somewhat lengthy testimony, but since the cure of my eyes I have had so many lovely demonstrations that I feel I ought not to pass them over. One morning I felt a sick headache coming on, accompanied by a feverish heat which seemed to be burning me up.
In the August Journal it was asked why Christian Scientists should not remain in the old denominations and let their light shine through them. While the question was fully answered by the editor yet it was briefly answered; and as experiences are always in order in Science, there are presented here some real ones bearing on the subject.
In noticing the request not to copy the Mother's letters, I wish to uncover a serious error going on. Not only are her letters copied and distributed, but our letters to patients and students also.
The people of the United States seem very much exercised over the question as to which kind of matter will save the Nation, and give plenty to the individual. Our Master never said that either yellow matter or white matter would save us, but he did say, "It is the Spirit that quickeneth; the flesh [matter] profiteth nothing.
Life is real! life is earnest! And the grave is not its goal. — Longfellow.
"The church which has been in course of construction on Green Street, near the corner of Franklin, for about four months past for the occupancy of the Christian Scientist Association of this city has been completed, and to commemorate the opening of the new edifice appropriate dedication exercises were held yesterday. The interior of the church was beautifully decorated for the occasion with cut flowers, potted plants and set pieces.
Beloved Students :—Because mother has not even the time to read all of her interesting correspondence, and less wherein to answer it (however much she desires to), she hereby requests: First, that you, her students' students, who write such excellent letters to her, will hereafter, as a general rule, send them to the editors of the Christian Science Journal for publication, and thereby give us all the pleasure of hearing from you. If my own students cannot spare time to write to God,— when they address me I shall be apt to forward their letters to Him, as our common Parent, and by way of the Christian Science Journal; thus fulfilling their moral obligations to furnish some reading matter for our denominational organ.
Professor Ramsey thinks he has discovered the primordial substance that composes the elementary atoms. It is a new gas called helium and thought by some to constitute the body of the Sun.