Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.
Concord, N. H.
The enclosed letters speak for themselves, and have been in such demand by the Scientists here that it seemed to me their usefulness might be enlarged by having them published in the Journal . — Barbara M.
"Let me depart, that I may go to mine own country. " 1 Kings.
A Scientist conceived the idea of asking some students to give their reasons "for the hope that was within" them; or in other words, to assign "Seven Reasons why they believed in Christian Science. " There were a number of responses, of which the following ten are published with the hope that they will prove helpful to others.
Christian Science teaches the reality of the spiritual Kingdom and the unreality of the material. Has not this heretofore been a stumbling block in all our thinking and living? We have made such a reality of everything material, and this too in direct contradiction of the evident teachings of Scripture, that we have failed to get a realization of spiritual Truth.
Hartford, Conn. , March 13.
"But ye denied the Holy One and the Just, and desired a murderer to be granted unto you; And killed the Prince of life, whom God hath raised from the dead; whereof we are witnesses. " Acts 3: 14,15.
Sermon preached by Rev. E.
Dear Editor :— Herewith please find a pearl of poetry set in the music of the Nine, from the pen of Mr. James T.
Once more, under the pretence of ''regulating the practice of medicine and surgery," the attempt is made in the legislature to abridge the right of the people of this commonwealth to regulate their own domestic affairs. This sort of prohibitory legislation may be well meant, but it is nevertheless grotesquely out of place in a state which boasts of the intelligence and the freedom of its citizens.