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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.


WE are pleased to announce that, with the approval of our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, The Christian Science Publishing Society will shortly issue a daily newspaper to be known as The Christian Science Monitor.

Those who are more or less familiar with what is...

THOSE who are more or less familiar with what is known as "the higher criticism," have noted two salient facts respecting it, namely, that of late years it has steadily grown more daring and destructive, more ready to question what have been regarded as the vital teachings of Christianity, and that not infrequently it has found the strength of its argument against theological teaching in the premises and positions of that teaching. This is illustrated in the use which the materialists have made of the theologians' concession to the reality of matter and of evil, a concession from which the philosophically inclined have built up an altogether logical and consistent argument in support of a concept of the universe and its government which practically rules out God altogether, or else gives Him a character which it is impossible either to love or respect.

ONE of the most obscure passages in the Gospels, according to popular opinion, is that found in the 9th chapter of John, in which Jesus' disciples asked him, concerning a man blind from his birth, "Who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?" Jesus answered them, "Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him. " The majority of Bible students place undue emphasis upon the first part of the great Teacher's reply to the question of his disciples, and to a large extent ignore the main point, that upon which Jesus unquestionably meant the emphasis to be laid, viz.

IT was to be expected that the late Pan-Anglican Conference, including as it did the representatives of one of the most intelligent bodies of Christian believers, would give a prominent place to those subjects which are of the greatest moment to the Christian Church and the civilized world, and it is therefore interesting to note that the two topics which awakened altogether the profoundest attention were those of Christian Socialism and Christian Science. The extended discussion of the nature of the social unrest and impulse of the present hour, and of the proper relation of Christian thought and activity thereto, elicited a great variety of opinions, and, withal, not a little conflict of judgment.

In studying the Old Testament we find that the name...

IN studying the Old Testament we find that the name Jehovah (I AM; the eternal living one) was not used until Moses had advanced sufficiently in his understanding of the Supreme Being to enable him to begin the work of leading his people out of Egyptian bondage. This name was held very sacred by the Hebrew people, as representing their great deliverer and supreme Lawgiver, but in time its significance was obscured by anthropomorphism, in which, to quote Mrs.

It is a pleasure to announce to our subscribers and...

IT is a pleasure to announce to our subscribers and readers that this number of the Journal is issued from the new building of The Christian Science Publishing Society, a building which has been erected through the contributions of Christian Scientists all over the world, and of which they with us may justly be proud. We feel sure it will be a source of gratification to these friends to learn that through their generosity adequate accommodations have at last been secured for the publication of Science and Health and the other writings of Mrs.


Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy , Leader of the Christian Science movement, will hereafter abandon her much-talked-of "daily" drives, and instead will drive out only when her work makes no urgent demand on her time.

Will our readers kindly bear in mind that the work at headquarters is necessarily divided into departments, also that by referring to the advertising pages of the Journal and Sentinel they will be able to ascertain the person or persons to whom their correspondence should be addressed in order to avoid delay. The Christian Science Publishing Society publishes and sells The Christian Science Journal, the Christian Science Sentinel, The Christian Science Quarterly, Der Herold der Christian Science, besides Bibles, pamphlets, reprints, also other miscellaneous publications fully listed in our advertising pages.

The average Christian materialist would stoutly deny, no doubt, that his belief in the reality of matter and his acceptance of the philosophy of material evolution rules God out of the universe. He would insist that God uses matter simply as a means of expression, of effectiveness upon the plane of present human sense; that God is ever in and working through material substance and natural law to will and to do of His good pleasure.

The International Congregational Council which recently convened in Edinburgh was a most interesting religious event, and one of the most impressive utterances on this occasion was a sermon by Dr. George A.