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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

One of the most striking statements in the Bible is...

ONE of the most striking statements in the Bible is the angel's declaration to Mary, "The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee. " In the Gospels we have the first mention of the Holy Ghost, although some of the New Testament writers refer to this divine manifestation as having influenced those of an earlier day.

THE vital and universal significance of the Christian Science movement, its place in the providential ordering of the world's spiritual advance, cannot be duly appreciated or even understood apart from a knowledge both of its revolutionary and constructive teaching, and of the religious thought conditions into the midst of which it has been projected. Respecting these thought conditions very much is being said to-day by religious authorities who demand a hearing.


Our Leader has requested us to say that no letters of inquiry are to be addressed to her touching upon questions that should properly come before the Clerk or other officers of The Mother Church, The Christian Science Publishing Society, or the publisher of her books. Will our readers please bear this request in mind, so that they will not trespass upon the attention of secretaries whose legitimate duties fully occupy their time.


A Complete Concordance to "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," revised from the latest edition of Science and Health, is now on the press and will be ready for delivery in a few days. In the revision of this work the plan of the original Concordance has been retained in its entirety.

The dawn of Christianity was a sunburst of good....

THE dawn of Christianity was a sunburst of good. It was history's most glorious exhibition of the giving that is born of Love.

The statement was recently made by a prominent...

THE statement was recently made by a prominent clergyman that while there had been a marked decline in religion, the present period is characterized by a no less marked reaction towards religion, including the study of the Scriptures. It was also stated that Christian Science is the logical and inevitable expression of this reaction.


The esteem in which Mrs. Eddy is held in Concord has been officially expressed in the following preamble and resolutions, which were unanimously adopted by the Board of Aldermen and Common Council of that city and thus have become a part of Concord's records.

Strange as it may seem at this late day in human...

Strange as it may seem at this late day in human history, a good deal of regret for the decadence of the military spirit has been expressed in some magazines, both religious and secular. Some educators also say that a weak type of character is apt to result when children are not taught from the earliest years to defend their rights.

Time was when men accepted nature for what it...

Time was when men accepted nature for what it seemed. The world was flat, and things were made up of earth, air, fire, water, etc.


The following statement in regard to the Charitable Fund of one million dollars established by Mrs. Mary Baker G.