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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

In a very true and important sense salvation may be...

In a very true and important sense salvation may be regarded as progressive self-discovery. The process pertains to human sense and will ultimately eliminate its every false and unideal factor when the true consciousness or Christ-man shall have appeared.


It is with profound sympathy that we record the passing away of our beloved associate and brother, Joseph Armstrong, C. S.

At the threshold of another year we pause to give...

At the threshold of another year we pause to give thanks for the lessons of the one just past and to prepare ourselves for the greater lessons which invite us to go forward. The true student of history can never fail to see in human events what President Bonney, at the World's Parliament of Religions, in 1894, called "the interposition of divine Providence in human affairs.


Pleasant View, Concord, N. H.


The announcement made in the Sentinel of Dec. 21 that Mrs.


The late lamented Christian Scientist brother and the publisher of my books, Joseph Armstrong, C. S.


An earnest student writes to me: "Would it be asking too much of you to explain more fully why you call Christian Science the higher criticism?" I called Christian Science the higher criticism in my Dedicatory Message to The Mother Church, June 10, 1906, when I said, "This Science is a law of divine Mind, .

With the swiftly passing years we are again recalling...

With the swiftly passing years we are again recalling the time when the Son of God was so manifested to humanity by Christ Jesus that the world's thought could never again be the same as it had been, could never again plead ignorance of God in justification of evil thinking or doing. Since that time the rift in the clouds of material sense which enabled the Judean shepherds to catch a glimpse of the heavenly host has been widening, and to-day we not only see what they saw and hear what they heard, but in the clear light of divine Science we are coming to apprehend the Christ as the type of true manhood to which all men must "be conformed," to use Paul's words, in order to express what man really is.

He shall have dominion also from sea to sea...

He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, And from the river unto the ends of the earth. Thy kingdom come.

Rev. Mary Baker G.