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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

TO some who misapprehend its teaching, Christian Science...

What the human mind terms matter and spirit indicates states and stages of consciousness. — Mrs.

The utter collapse Aug. 21 of the suit involving charges...

THE utter collapse Aug. 21 of the suit involving charges against Mrs.

It has commonly been thought that one needs to become religious in order to be good, but there is a most significant sense in which one must be good in order to become religious. Loyalty to ethical perception must precede spiritual apprehension.

In evidence of the great change which is coming over...

The inhabitant shall not say, I am sick. — Isaiah.


Pleasant View, Concord, N. H.


[ The interview granted by Mrs. Eddy to Arthur Brisbane, representing the Cosmopolitan , has called forth much favorable comment, and we quote from The Boston American the following editorial, which appeared under the title, "Mrs.

In an age when the achievements of philosophical investigation and inventive genius are so wondrous, when the triumph of Mind over matter is witnessed to in so many ways, and the so-called civilization of the more advanced nations is rapidly supplanting the untutored life of the indigenous races, it is not surprising that human reason should come to be regarded by many as "the key to the kingdom,"—the means by which all problems are to be solved, all difficulties overcome, all ills relieved, so that the race may find itself and come into the fulness of its own. The repose of this confidence can but be disturbed, however, by the fact that intellectuality is not found to have any necessary affiliation with virtue, that gain in so-called rationality and in the control of material conditions is not infrequently attended by an increased indulgence of those appetites and impulses which indicate moral weakness and degeneracy, so that it becomes a serious question whether after all the asserted advance of civilization has been genuine or merely a seeming.

Prominent among the questions which to-day challenge the attention of thinking people is the demand for civic righteousness, with all it implies. So much of un-righteousness has been uncovered of late years that its long concealed hideousness has brought the needed recoil, now that men are face to face with it, and pulpit and press unite in condemning dishonesty and corruption in high places.

A Number of years ago Mrs. Eddy, as Leader of the...

A Number of years ago Mrs. Eddy, as Leader of the Christian Science movement, inaugurated the present order of service in all churches of the denomination, and since that time the old-fashioned sermon has been a thing of the past in the Christian Science churches.


Article XXXIII Meetings. —Sect.