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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.


To me Christmas involves an open secret, understood by few—or by none—and unutterable except in Christian Science. Christ was not born of the flesh.

When human faith and hope were ready to burst...

When human faith and hope were ready to burst the fetters of long-time bondage, a handful of brave men and women rose superior to the ties of family and country and came to these shores seeking freedom to worship God. Their bold venture finds a parallel in the experience of Abraham, who for the sake of a pure religion left home and country and became the father of a great race to which all mankind is indebted for its grand theistic literature,—the words of patriarch and prophet that are to-day as never before helping to work out the divine purpose in the uplifting of mankind.

Mental carelessness must take its place among the sins which men struggle against, and for which they repent. Phillips Brooks.


Our friend Mr. B.


The able discourse of our "learned Judge," his flash of flight and insight, lays the axe "into the root of the trees," and shatters whatever hinders the Science of being. Mary Baker G.


This decorative and instructive picture by H. B.

The distinctive note of autumnal nature is comforting

The distinctive note of autumnal nature is comforting. To the troubled mind and heart it brings a sweet solace, and they who long for peace, "the central feeling of all happiness," do well to frequent her retreats.

On Monday last the action which was commenced in...

On Monday last the action which was commenced in Mrs. Eddy's name by so-called "next friends" was formally dismissed, and with the exception of the formalities attending the taxing of costs this suit is a thing of the past.

Christian Scientists cannot help being pleased...

Christian Scientists cannot help being pleased at the free discussion of Christian Science which is finding a place in the English newspapers at the present time, a recent issue of the London Telegraph having no fewer than seven lengthy letters on this subject. Following the excellent letter of the Publication Committee, some of these were adverse and several of them grievously misstated the teaching of Christian Science, but they recall Paul's statement, that he rejoiced whenever Christ was preached, even though it were "of contention" and of "envy and strife" in some cases.

ONE of the least understood sayings of the great...

ONE of the least understood sayings of the great Teacher, and one very often quoted, is this: "Strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. " It has usually been taken to mean that the majority of mankind were destined to endure eternal separation from God, and that "few" can be "saved.