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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

"Resigned to the Will of God."

The article appearing under the above title in the Editor's Table of the last Journal, has called forth so many letters of gratitude for the help given by it, that we deem it only fair to say it was written, not by the editor of the Journal, but by Mr. Willis F.


Although published as editorial matter, the articles which appeared in recent issues of the Christian Science Sentinel under the head of "The Christian Science Sermon," were written by a member of the Bible Lesson Committee. They were written, therefore, from an intelligent standpoint.


Resurrection morn is the dawn of Truth divine in human consciousness. As the individual awakens to Sonship in God his resurrection begins.


We hear from various quarters, that the impression has gone out that the Board of Education, at their recent session, established some new rule, or rules, with reference to the charges to be made by Christian Science practitioners. The only foundation for such rumors is this: that during the session of the Board, the question was considered as to the advisability or wisdom of charging a specified sum for a given length of time in advance of treatment.


To be always resigned to the will of God, is one of the most beautiful traits of the Christian character. It means infinitely more than can be comprehended by the one who has not learned this needful and all-important lesson.

A minister in a western city preached a sermon on the "Facts and Fallacies of Christian Science. " A local Scientist replied to this sermon in public, and prefaced his remarks by saying: "On listening to his sermon, I was surprised to note that the reverend gentleman did not say one word against Christian Science—but merely made an attack on his conception of it; which, by the way, was not in the slightest degree similar to what students of the Science understand it to be.

Upon the recommendation of a Christian Scientist known to the Publishing Society, the Sentinel and the Journal will be sent free for one year to any Public Library having a Reading Room. This free subscription may be continued if the recommendation is renewed.


The following By-laws have recently been adopted:— The number of First Members of the Mother Church shall not exceed one hundred. Owing to the change in our church ministry, all the students of Christian Science must drop the title of Reverend, and Doctor, except those who have received these titles under the laws of the state.


Questions calling for answer should not he sent to the Rev. Mary Baker Eddy nor to Mr.


In Leviticus 16 we read that the high priest performing the office of sacrifice shall "take of the congregation of the children of Israel two kids of the goats for a sin offering, and one ram for a burnt offering;.