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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

There still seems to be some questioning as to the meaning of the order of service, as set forth in the May Journal of 1896, first page. One question is, as to whether the Church Rule contained in the Manual shall be read by the Branch Churches.

Under the above title there comes to us from the Hon. Wm.


In accordance with the Church By-law establishing the Board of Education, published in the Church Manual, the Board convened on the first Monday of January, 1899, the second day of the new year. The sessions were held in the Mother Church, and continued during the week.


It is our privilege to publish the following letter written to the Rev. Mary Baker Eddy, by the Christian Science Souvenir Co.

We wish the Field to know—indeed they ought by this time to know—that when delays occur in getting out our publications, it is due to some unavoidable cause, or some excellent reason that makes the publication enough more valuable when out to warrant the delay. If Scientists will observe more patience and await quietly the arrival of the Journal and Weekly, instead of plying the Publisher's Department with letters and telegrams, they will alike add to their own growth and relieve their servants at headquarters of much unnecessary annoyance and labor.


Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets. Matthew, 7:12.

About two years since there was organized in Chicago a movement for the comparative study of religions and religious sects, under the general head of The University Association and World's Congress Extension. It is said that this educational movement was the outgrowth of the "World's Congress held in Chicago during the Columbian Exposition.

In the case of Harold Frederic, the inevitable re-action has already set in. Some of the newspapers which at first were severe in their denunciation of Christian Science, in connection with that case, are now writing more impartially and dispassionately upon the subject, and some are publishing the Christian Science side of the question.

The love of the Rev. Mary Baker Eddy for our flag, and her perception of its symbolic significance, have been heretofore referred to.

As Divine Principle is imperative, so are His demands imperative. There is neither broad highway nor narrow byway affording escape therefrom.