Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.
Listen to what a very kind friend says about it: Our long wait for your book, Unity of Good, has been rewarded, and we find it very helpful. As I was reading this afternoon, I felt no one need be blind for want of a Teacher, as it seems to me every need and want is met, if one will but read.
Now is the season of rejoicings innumerable. The churches are decorated with flowers, and many dollars are paid out therefor.
Forty-five ladies and gentlemen, from all parts of the country, and one from the old country,—Mrs. Colles, of Killeny Castle, Ireland,—assembled to listen to Mrs.
The recent superb production in our cities of an English version of Goethe's tragedy, by Henry Irving, the London actor, sets people to looking up the great German poem,—if not in the original, then in the metrical translations, by Rev. Charles T.
In January The Watchman (Baptist) published an article on Medical Missions. In reply, H.
At last this little volume, Unity of Good, is before the public, and on sale at 385 Commonwealth Avenue. Within less than a hundred pages Rev.
Much comment having been made on the brief article, entitled Change of Material Base, in the January number of the Journal, and many letters being received in complaint of that article, it seems necessary to answer, through the columns of our magazine, those protests and inquiries. Our Teacher wished a notice of her removal inserted in the magazine, that her many students and followers might know about it, and a literary friend (not a Christian Scientist) wrote an account of the matter, from his plane of thought, simply giving the facts.
Homœopathy is the last link in material medicine. The next step is medicine in Mind.
As a matter even of everyday convenience, as a means of mere success in affairs, cultivate goodwill. This is not to say that a selfish and material motive is a better reason than one which seeks the good of others; but even on this plane alone, goodwill is worth considerable care and attention.
This was a phrase used by George W. Cable, who is not only the popular novelist, and depicter of Louisiana life, but an Orthodox theologian.