Letters to the Journal from our readers. Opinions expressed in this column are not necessarily those of The Christian Science Journal.

Letters & Conversations
As in the shadows deep I lie, Waiting the healing grace, I joy at thought of the coming hour, When I'll see Thee face to face. That, dear readers is my true spirit, as I wait day by day for the healing that touches me with its soft wings as it flies on its mission of joy over earth.
M. , N.
Columbus, Wis. To my beloved teacher, Mrs.
The following is an extract from a letter of Levi A. Childs to the President of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College, after he had left her school and their acquaintance had terminated, he having, according to his own statement, abandoned tobacco, swearing and bad company.
Editor Journal: — Will not the following brief testimony of one of my patients help on our blessed cause? Her case was one most interesting to me for she was in a state of mind where she did not even believe there was a God when I met her, but after the third treatment, she told me such peace of mind was coming to her as she had not experienced before for years. She continues praising God for the science that has restored her to health and happiness.
Dear Friends :—Having been a great sufferer for many years, and under other medical treatment receiving no lasting benefit, I determined to make a trial of the new method of healing attracting so much attention from Boston pulpits and press. Accordingly I sent for one of the Christian Science practitioners, Mrs.
Dear Friends,—Time and again I have read the records of your success in applying the Truth you have gathered from these two sources, the book and the journal, and rejoiced that so many have so well received the Word into waiting fertile soil that it has sprung up good seed towards the "healing of the nations. " But do you ever suspect what you miss of the spirit of that Word by not listening to it as it falls directly from the lips of its living and only interpreter, Mrs Mary Eddy, the author of "Science and Health," and the editor of this journal? If you wanted to understand perfectly any other science you would not think of poring over abstruse treatises on it and being satisfied therewith, though you might be able, in a crude way, and after a certain fashion, to demonstrate some of its mighty verities.
The following letter to her brother, is from one of our students, member of a class at the Massachusetts Metaphysical College in 1883:— Somerville, July 18, 1883. My Dear Brother:— I feel sure that Christian love will enable you to bear with me while I make my statement in defence of having accepted "Christian Science.