Inspirational verse submitted by readers.
He lay in deepest gloom— Self-built his early tomb— No chink allowed the sunshine room— Ah, well-a-day! Truth's voice dispelled the night— Fears fell to left and right— Kind thoughts, they put self-love to flight — He lived that day! He left his prison cell— Divine Love broke the spell— Ah, how to bless Love knows full well— Love loves alway! The roses lost their thorn— When this great truth was horn— And since that day glad smiles have worn— To bless man's way! Thoughts callow learn to fly— Through tender ministry— So we must learn—both you and I— To love alway!
I. O Blessings infinite! O glad New Year! Sweet sign and substance Of God's presence here.
O restless heart, be still, and know That I am God! To all earth's jarring noises close thine ears, Yea, even from the voice of thine own fears; Hush every sigh, and cease thee from thy tears, And in the path thy stumbling feet have trod, Be still, and know. Be still, and know that I am Life That knows no death! No change I know, nor shalt thou fearful stand Lest from thy clasp shall slip some loved one's hand, Leaving thee lonely in a desert land; For Life holds naught akin to mortal breath.
And as they went, to them the cleansing came. The word' was spoken, and they turned to go,— Obedient to his voice who bade them show Themselves unto the priest,—in look the same As when his aid they sought.
What though the day seem full of pain, Of toil and care and sorrow: What if today's task seemeth hard, No need to fear tomorrow. But hearken, as the living Christ Now speaks in peace unbroken.
Night's curtain falleth, cold and dark and drear; Heavy my heart, and sore beset with fear. When, lo, a message flashes o'er the deep— "I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep.
O you who long for light,—God's keen, triumphant light,— Turn from the canyoned path where swilling shadows are; Above you waits the freedom of the mountain's height, Forever open to the surge of sun and star. O you who pray for peace,—God's satisfying peace,— Put off the hidden sword and armor that you wear; Rancor and strife and murmurings of fear must cease Ere you are worthy of the gift you crave in prayer.
The heralds called, and men from far and near Came surging in to see their hero's face. Fame had he won; his name was blazoned forth.
Humble are we when good in little ways, — In faithful doing of the common things. The gentle passing of the nights and days O'erfilled with storied blessings, outward flings A simple message, yet befitting kings! Who sees a duty, and his hand not stays From its completion, hears a song and sings To hearts through misery dumb; who softly prays The noble, silent prayer that, half expressed.
Where speed the swallows when the nights grow chilly And earth with longing gaze entreats the sun To shine again on rose and water-lily — Where speed they, hastening homeward, every one? Swift to a warmer clime their flights are winging, Where tamarinds ripen and the breeze is kind; where tenderest welcomes on the air are ringing, And songs are wafted on the scented wind. Where turns my heart, when slowly comes the learning, The bitter emptiness of love forgot? Whence finds it solace from the human yearning When earth no longer holds one gladsome spot? High in the heaven immortal Love is reigning, Where tired hearts and sore find now release; When mortals turn, no more earth's vain joys feigning, They in Christ's loving arms find joy and peace.