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[Written for the Journal.]


From the March 1910 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Each separate child of God is beautiful.
Dwelling in heaven, his forever home.
Where calls the Father-Mother to the son,
Live, my beloved, in reflecting Me!
Circled with truth and majesty and light
Stands man, the high, immortal thought of God!
Perfect in Mind and exquisite in joy:
Having dominion over all the earth.
And God-bestowed power in heaven!
He is more lovely than the summer rose
. And as the stars are luminous with gold
So is he lit with love,—he is more pure
Than woodland streams, transparent as the dew,
Radiant as sunrise, glorious as the hills!
Each separate child of God is beautiful,
Dwelling in heaven, his forever home,
Where calls the Father-Mother to the son,
Live, my beloved, in reflecting Me!

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