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From the March 1910 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THE positive declarations of the Master which are recorded in the New Testament inform every Bible student that the healing of both mind and body by a right understanding of his word and works is an essential element of Christianity. His commands and their true meaning have never been altered or compromised by either wrong theological beliefs or the evasive doctrines of mankind. Intellectual concepts of the teachings of Jesus may have led very many to disobey or to fail to practise his precepts, but his invariable commands remain as immovable and inviolate as is the sun at the center of the solar system. They are still unbroken, and unbreakable. As long as one sigh for freedom shall escape the lips of a mortal, or one human heart shall crave the solace of divine Love, his commandment to "heal the sick," will be the lode-star of true Christianity.

The two closing verses of the last chapter of Matthew present an authoritative record of his positive injunction that every command which he had given to his disciples in regard to the healing and reformation of men, must also be taught to all nations. The command to "heal the sick," as he healed the distressed among the people of his own time, is surely included. No exception is specified, and the omission of Christendom, since the third century, to obey this command does not lessen its authority. No one could have abrogated the command but the Founder of Christianity himself; therefore, as we know that he did not do so, this essential law of Christian activity remains to this day unbroken and unimpeachable. This phase of the Master's teachings is as necessary for application in human consciousness as are all the other precepts which he laid down for the practice of Christian virtues.

The Christian Science text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," sets forth the absolute, unvarying rule by which the Principle of the teachings and healing works of Jesus, as recorded in the Bible, can be and are demonstrated in the destruction of sin and sickness. The Science of Christian Mind-healing, and the art of its correct practice, are both plainly stated in these two authoritative books. It is therefore possible for any honestminded student to prose the rule in some measure, follow the Christ, and by destroying all manner of discords as Jesus commanded, to "preach the gospel to every creature."

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