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Testimonies of Healing

I wish to express my gratitude to God for what Christian Science...

From the March 1910 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I wish to express my gratitude to God for what Christian Science has done for me. It was the physical and not the spiritual healing that I was seeking. I was a member of an orthodox church and fully satisfied as to my spiritual condition, but I found afterward that the physical healing was only incidental to the spiritual reformation I received. I am truly a happy man, and it all came through Mrs. Eddy's discovery of this healing truth.

About the middle of February, 1908, I was stricken with severe lung trouble. I consulted a physician, who told me, after making an examination, that the symptoms were those of tuberculosis, and that it might be best for me to go West; however, he would examine me again in a few days and let me know. He gave me some medicine to take, but I seemed to get no relief from it. My wife and I were watching the trouble closely, and having so much fear for myself (knowing the nature of the disease), I went to my brother's office and told him what the doctor had said about the case. Although I expressed great fear, my brother was perfectly calm, which was a relief to me. He looked at me and said, "I would advise that you try Christian Science, as I know it has effected some wonderful cures."

I thought that there might be something in this advice. I knew my brother was sincere and meant just what he said, but, like many others, I had heard so much against Christian Science that it had made me somewhat skeptical and I was rather afraid of it. My brother said that a Christian Science practitioner had an office just across the hall, and he went with me to see him. After finding out what was producing my fear, the practitioner began to talk to me about God and man, and after listening to him a few minutes I felt uplifted. I was a changed man. I could then understand that God was not guilty of what I had been taught to believe He was. I realized that God is of purer eyes than to look upon evil, and that man as His image and likeness cannot have anything unlike God. I then asked the practitioner about certain conditions, and he said, "Never mind that; blood never gave life and blood can never destroy it. God is your Life." (See Science and Health, p. 376) I only wish others could know the happiness I felt when I heard these encouraging words.

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