Questions & Answers
No change of circumstance or scene, No "if" or "but" or "might have been," Can bless me more than I am blessed. Uncircumscribed by human plan, Right where I stand, dear God, I am Your child, forever Soul-expressed.
The true identities of you and me live as pure drops within a boundless sea of spiritual good—in Him who fills immensity. Each is a child of God, at rest in Him, embraced in Spirit's substance, held within the light and warmth of Soul, untouched by sin.
structure of pure all-embracing Spirit! dynamic (never static!) Truth floodtiding Love vibrant freshflowing overpouring ceaselessly encompassing and cherishing— exemplified worldwide mankind beloved without edges. no chosen race no coldly classed noncitizens no half-belonging access through some tie of bloodline land or language— Principle divine! the undergirding force is infinite pure good! brothers equal in Christ, Truth, endless individuality everywhere in harmony.
No sign, no zodiac have we, No false dependence on the stars— Our heaven, perfect harmony, Surrounding us right where we are. For Life that is, and always was, Originates identity; God governs all, and what He does, As His reflection, so do we.
Far deep where only my heart's eye can see, rests spiritual intuition; that center point which sees harmony so inevitable, discord so impossible. Existing discoveries root safe in the eternal core, and those unborn are assured of blossom.
Never would we stand apart nor criticize our brother with a twisted limb. Then this one's need (why don't we recognize?) to make his way back to his Father's field, however falteringly, and there to yield and see man's origin with purer eyes.
Yes, our hearts did burn within us! For Cleopas and the other one So for us the Scriptures were opened As teacher and pupils alike were taught by the Christ. Begun in Jerusalem, This journey to Emmaus by Cleopas and the other one Can begin in many cities now, and for all Emmaus is reached: bread of Truth broken, Eyes opened to the journey that never began, never ends— Instruction by the Christ.
He lived! Brought forth in cold and dark, he made it warm. No place he ever went stayed dark.
Heat pulses; unbelievable undulations pumping the abstractions of the desert. Sweat in my eyes.
Perfection— not a state of "is to be" for all to see; not a state of being past, which did not last; but a state of being present "with the Lord. " Being.