Questions & Answers
In Thine almighty hand I know that all is well,— The sea, the air, the land. Alike Thy glory tell; My life is hid in Love's protecting power.
A rest remaineth on earth's battle fields To every son of man, a Sabbath rest,— Progressive states of peace to him who yields His all to Principle,—unfoldment, blest With true enlightenment. There is, indeed.
Tis break of day—God's day— And His glad freedom to begin it, With work and recompense And promise in it! A dear, new day— And good is each unfolding minute, With heaven all around, And power to win it. The break of day—God's day— And Love's wide wings to lift and hide us, And grace to drive away The fears that chide us! A new, clean day— With Love's unfailing hand to guide us, The sunrise in our hearts, God's peace beside us.
A Hard , harsh world? Aye; so it seems,—a mart Of husks, of naught that truly satisfies. But why, O man, with shadows deal and lies, When now and evermore a living part Of God's glad world, all shadowless, thou art? Look, there are stars and peaks that starward rise! Look, there are children, roses, sunset skies, And angels on the threshold of thy heart! Thank God for lifting wings of clear, clean thought! Thank God for faith whereby we build above The changeable environs of the clod! Thank God for verities of Spirit wrought! Thank God for good, for Truth! Thank God for Love And Love's unending life! Thank God for God!
If thou wert called upon to-day One dearer than all others—yea, The very heart of love—to slay, As Abraham was called of old, And wrote his faith in deeds of gold, How should thy story then be told? Wouldst thou reply unto the call: Dear Lord, Thou art supreme o'er all, And as Thou wilt it shall befall; Not my will, Lord, but thine be done: Lo, here I offer Thee my son, My heart's delight, my only one? Then shalt thou lift thine eyes to see Obedience liberating thee And bidding loss and lack to flee; While in the thicket a surprise Awaits thine opening, grateful eyes,— Thine own self-love, the sacrifice.
I Thank Thee, Father, for the larger life, For health to live So that to all mankind I may impart What Thou dost give. I thank Thee, Father, for life's lesser joys— Each smile or word That triumphs o'er a sigh or tear to greet Our risen Lord.
Within the secret place,—how oft to me In thought these words have brought sweet sanctuary For those I love; and I have left them there Protected by a loving Father's care. Ten thousand evils may around them lie, But at the touch of Truth those evils fly; So I can rise in peace, lie down to sleep, Trusting His angels o'er them watch to keep.
We thank Thee for the sunset clouds, the cooling shades of night; We thank Thee for the homing birds so graceful in their flight; We thank Thee for the ocean calm whose silvery bosom blends The wondrous tints of sunset sky that heavenly glory lends. We thank Thee for this light of life that floods both land and sea; But most of all, we thank Thee for the good we do not see.
It is over: The long race is run, And the dream I dreamed is done; Still through misty trails of dreamland You are faring homeward, O beloved one! Up the hillside, Over thorn and stone On you fare—but not alone. There is but one upward pathway, And that pathway is the patient Father's own.
He who dwells in light above, God, most high and holy, Sends the angel-thoughts of Love To the meek and lowly; Thoughts of purity and peace Constantly descending, Bidding pain and sorrow cease, Help and comfort lending; Bringing courage, strength, and hope When the storm clouds gather, Light when they in darkness grope, Blessings from the Father. So the contrite see His face, For the High and Holy Maketh thus His dwelling place, With the meek and lowly.