If there were more kindness, more love, how much better would the world be for it! When we repeat the Lord's prayer, and that portion where we petition, "Forgive us our trespasses as WE FORGIVE THEM THAT TRESPASS AGAINST US," if in our hearts we do not have a most tender sympathy and pity for those who are in the mire of sin, and a burning desire to aid them, then, according to this petition, we ought not to expect pity from our Heavenly Father. Indeed, this is a petition that we ourselves may be condemned if we fail in forgiving. We all should be extremely careful in repeating this prayer. If, on examination, we find we are unforgiving, cruel, uncharitable, then it were well that we leave the prayer unsaid. Jesus reproved the Pharisees; therein he proved his love for them; further, on the cross his love did not grow dim: he said: "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do."
If there were more kindness, more love...
From the December 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal