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From the December 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Truth is manifest in unity of statement, quality and proof; error is found in multiplicity of statements, lack of basis, no lack of duplicity. Truth is born of Light; error is the story of a serpent. Truth declares that God made and governs the universe and man, and that all is finished, complete, and good. Error claims that a snake, self-endowed with might and cunning, holds the key of heaven, divides with God His power, gives man a choice of good and evil, yet at times possesses the entire control of him. Truth declares One Mind, only, because there is one God; error says, there are minds many and gods many. Truth defines God, and delares He creates, directs, controls the universe and man. All thoughts, all deeds, all sense are from Him, and governed by Him. Error says one man holds jurisdiction over the health, happiness and life of another man. Truth is a lamb; error is a wolf. The atmosphere of Truth, is Life and Love: the malaria of error, is the poison of malice and hate. Truth has never changed one quality, statement, or demonstration of itself; error is an adept at assuming an alias whenever its old title is exposed. Occultism, Fakirism, Sorcery, Necromancy, Magic and Jugglery are unmasked, and we know them for what they are. Witchcraft, fortune telling, clairvoyance, animal magnetism, electricity, will-power and mesmerism, follow in their line—the same old snake, the same old lie, the old claim to a power for both good and evil, wrested from God and vested in man.

In the words of "Science and Health," we welcome the increase of knowledge, because it must have its day. It is going out in the final frenzy of despair, "knowing it hath but a short time." Under the mask of "Mind Cure," it figures feasibly for a time, and until the infinite of Truth spoils this masquerade, handles the serpent, destroys its poison, bruises and breaks its head.

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