With one high hope which over shines
Before you as a star,
One prayer of faith, one fount of strength,
A glorious few ye are!
Ye dare not fear, ye cannot fail,
Your destiny ye bind
To that sublime, elemental law
That rules the march of Mind.
"Tis said, that Persia's baffled King,
In mad tyrannic pride,
Cast fetters on the Hellespont,
To curb Its swelling tide.
The scorn of each succeeding age
On Xerxes' head is hurled,
And o'er that foolish deed hath pealed
The long laughter of a world.
Thus defeat, and scorn and shame,
Are his, who strives to bind
The restless, leaping waves of thought,
The products of the Mind.
Holy motives only can promote a Holy
Cause; and mutual distrust and depreciation sap the sinews of its strength.
With malice toward none; with charity
for all; with firmness in the right, as God
gives us to see the right.