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Testimonies of Healing


From the December 1887 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Dear Journal: I wish to write you of my experience. I am willing the whole world should know that I once walked in darkness, but now I see a great light; once I was blind, but now I can see.

Knowing nothing of Christian Science Mind-healing, I was asked by a friend if I would go with her and see Mr. and Mrs. Hardy, Christian Scientists, 184 Niagara Street, Buffalo. I wished very much then to be made well, if it was God's will. Since then, I have found that it is not His will that any should suffer; that He is no more the author of sickness than He is of sin; and that there is no law of His to support the necessity of sin or sickness, but divine authority for denying that necessity.

In the fall of 1877 I was taken with what my physician said was typhoid fever. I surprised him by not dying, but going into a worse condition than I had been in before. He said that I had an ovarian tumor, and that the pressure of that upon the bowels prevented their natural evacuation. Finally my friends, becoming alarmed, changed the attending physician, and called two of the most skilful surgeons in this city. After examination they decided that I had two strictures of the intestines, one beyond the reach of instruments, the other in the rectum.

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