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From the April 1887 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Paul was a philosopher of his time, and a man much noted for his learning; but when called by the voice of the lowly Jesus, whose doctrines and followers he had, up to this time, treated with ridicule and cruelty, he did not stop to bring his knowledge of science and philosophy to bear upon the simple words of Truth, when presented to him, before accepting them. Turning to the voice, he replied: "Lord, I am ready! What wouldst thou have me do?"

What a lesson might be drawn, by the learned but misguided philosophers of the present day, from this wonderful demonstration of Truth, in the case of Paul.

The shallowness of all human knowledge, its decided hindrance to spiritual insight—were facts which struck Paul with a force as terrible as it was sudden and convincing. The words, "Thou hast hidden these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes," were emblazoned in letters of heavenly light within his heart. Stepping at once from the darkness of his high material pedestal, of worldly honors and worldly knowledge, to the illuminated plane of the humble and innocent child, with a faith sublime and simple, he says: "I determined to know nothing among you save Jesus Christ, and him crucified."

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