I can of mine own self do nothing.—John v. 30.
This is an expression of the beautiful humility of the greatest and best man who ever trod the earth,—greatest because, as the Son of God, he had dominion over all. All things were subject unto him. There was no limit to his power for good, for he was governed and guided wholly by the Divine Intelligence and Infinite Principle.
There was nothing too difficult for him to do, as he understood there was but one Intelligence governing all. This Intelligence being infinite, therefore, he had no Mind apart from God, to be expressed by limits or aught of imperfection. It is the supposition of minds many that leads to all error. This is the carnal mind, the material belief, which is at enmity with God; for "the flesh warreth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh;..and to be carnally-minded is death; but to be spiritually-minded is life and peace."