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From the April 1887 issue of The Christian Science Journal

How little do we realize the grand Truth contained in this one grand word At-one-ment—at one with God,—at one with Him, the omnipotent, omniscient, all-glorious Creator.

Jesus, the Divine Master, came breaking down and casting out all error, that we might know and understand our relationship with God.

We say that God is Love, but do our lives demonstrate the blessed Truth? Why do we talk of Love and Truth and Life, and then live as if hate and wrong, and death were realities, holding their own against man,—aye, and even conquering him, though made in the likeness of his Creator!

God is Love! Oh, the perfect power and joy contained in the full realization of this glorious Truth,—why do we not accept of him, unhesitatingly and unconditionally?

Let us pull down the dark tapestry curtains of materialistic beliefs, that the Sun of Righteousness may shine in all its splendor on our pathway, and the Love of God the Father permeate our being. Then shall we be "filled with all the fulness of God," and be at one with Him.

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