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From the June 1887 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The Watchman

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.—Matthew v. 8.

Of late, photographic plates have been made so delicate, pure, and sensitive, that on being steadily exposed for some time to a clear night sky, they will receive images of stars that have never been discovered by the naked eye of man, or even by the most powerful telescope.

Even so a right and pure heart, turned heavenward in its contemplation of God, and its aspirations to know the Divine character and government, will discover and feel Divine manifestations which have never been grasped by intellect alone, or even anticipated by the reach of philosophy.

May not this explain some of those wondrous and charming Christian experiences and spiritual insights with which certain eminent Christians have been favored. Are our hearts sensitive enough to receive divine impressions?

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